Corporate Governance
Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC is the parent company of Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – the largest manufacturer of commercial washing machines and laundry equipment in the world. We have been a leader in the North American commercial laundry industry for more than a decade. With the addition of our operations in EMEAI (Europe, Middle East, Africa and India), as well as APAC (Asia-Pacific) and LATAM (Latin America), we continue to expand our global presence.
Alliance is committed to achieving effective corporate governance and upholding the highest ethical standards with a commitment to integrity, compliance, respect, teamwork, quality, innovation and customer satisfaction.
Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC and all its direct and indirect subsidiaries, (herein after referred to as “Alliance Holdings,” “Alliance,” “Company,” “we,” “our” and “us”) are proud to offer innovative and high-quality products and customer responsive services.
As limited liability companies, neither Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC nor its wholly owned subsidiary, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, has a board of directors and neither entity has a board of managers. The ultimate function of our board of directors is fulfilled by the board of directors of ALH Holding Inc., which is the parent company and single managing member of Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC.
Codes And Policies
We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Company Officers, Directors, Employees and Contractors. Additionally, we have established a new Business Partners Code of Conduct, which delineates our core values and principles, with the expectation that these values will be shared and respected by our partners, including customers and suppliers, throughout the value chain.
At Alliance, we expect to maintain and continue to enhance our reputation for excellence in our systems, products and services, and we must preserve the integrity of our behavior. Our reputation rests on our Company’s unwavering commitment to the highest ethical standards.
We stand for more than mere compliance with the letter of laws and regulations; we want to uphold the spirit of ethical conduct. Our Company’s philosophy is to foster an environment of honesty, integrity and open communications in all aspects of the business.
Below you’ll find our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that all employees and directors are expected to uphold. You will also find the new Business Partners Code of Conduct, ensuring that all business partners adhere to our core values. From all of us, we thank you for your continued commitment to the highest levels of excellence and integrity.
Our Commitments
Our beliefs in high ethical standards are carried through in our commitments to integrity, compliance, respect, teamwork, quality, innovation and customer satisfaction.
We are honest and forthright in all dealings with others: co-workers, customers, suppliers, shareholders, competitors and the community. We are committed to a high standard of business behavior and ethical practice in all business endeavors.
We conduct business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that relate to the Company’s worldwide business interests.
We consistently treat others with respect and dignity, recognizing the significant benefits that come from the diversity of individuals and ideas.
We work together as a team across all functions and business segments for the collective interests of the Company. The team promotes an environment of openness, challenge and growth.
We are committed to providing products and services that meet or exceed customers’ expectations through the continuous improvement of our core processes and the active involvement of our employees to comply with requirements.
Consistent with the company’s heritage, we seek innovative and creative approaches to developing products and services that provide the best customer value. We seek innovative and creative approaches to improving business processes in an efficient and cost effective manner.
Customer satisfaction:
We offer the customer the best quality products and services which meet or exceed customer expectations. We treat the customer fairly and with respect in all business transactions.
Our success depends on the commitment of each one of us and on our ability to embrace the Alliance standards of business conduct and ethics in all that we do.
Codes Of Business Conduct And Ethics
For Company Officers, Directors, Employees and Contractors
- Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – PDF (English)
- Kodex Chování a Firemní Etiky – PDF (Czech)
- 商业行为和道德准则 – PDF (Chinese)
- Code Voor Zakelijk Gedragen Ethiek – PDF (Dutch)
- Code de Conduite Professionnelle et D’Éthiqu – PDF (French)
- Verhaltens- und Ethikkodex – PDF (German)
- Codice Etico e di Comportamento Aziendale – PDF (Italian)
- Código de Conducta Empresarial y Ético – PDF (Spanish)
- หลักจรรยาบรรณทางธุรกิจและจริยธรรม – PDF (Thai)
For Business Partners
- Business Partners’ Code of Business Conduct – PDF (English)
- Kodex obchodního chování obchodních partnerů – PDF (Czech)
- Code de conduite des affaires des partenaires commerciaux – PDF (French)
- Código de conducta empresarial para socios comerciales – PDF (Spanish)
- Codice di condotta aziendale dei partner commerciali – PDF (Italian)
- Código de Conduta Empresarial dos Parceiros Comerciais – PDF (Portuguese)
- 商业伙伴商业行为准则 – PDF (Chinese – Simplified)
- จรรยาบรรณในการดำเนินธุรกิจของหุ้นส่วนทางธุรกิจ – PDF (Thai)
- FAQ on Business Partners’ Code of Conduct – PDF (English)
Reporting Concern Policy
Have a concern to report? To anonymously report violations of the Alliance Laundry Systems Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or Business Partners Code of Conduct please go to or call the hotline.
Directly: U.S.: (800) 461-9330 or International: 00-800-1777-9999
Important Health Coverage Tax Documents
How To Obtain Your Form 1095-C
How To Obtain Your Form 1095-C
This notice applies to employees of Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, Speed Queen Laundry LLC, and Alliance Laundry Systems Distribution LLC.
Unlike in prior years, the Company will not automatically distribute forms IRS Form 1095-C (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage) to individuals by mail this year. Instead, if you would like a copy of your Form 1095-C, you must request a copy. Upon your request, the Company will provide you with a copy of your Form 1095-C within 30 days.
To request a physical copy of a Form 1095-C or to address other questions, contact the Company at or 920-241-3056. You can also submit a written request to: Alliance Laundry Systems LLC
Attn: Benefits Department
PO Box 990
Ripon, WI 54971
If requesting a physical form, please include your full name, last four digits of your social security number, the name of your employer, your mailing address and your email address.
Form 1095-C provides information about the health coverage offered to you by your employer. The IRS website contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Form 1095-C. The FAQs can be found at